Typical Price List

Below we have listed the approximate prices of some of the most common websites that we build

Basic business website – Approximately £600 Upfront 

A business website is a website designed to represent the identity of a business on the Internet.

  • Basic Business Website
  • 5 page website (Home, Services/Products, About, Contact, Gallery)
  • Links to your social media accounts
  • 1 year paid domain, hosting and SSL certificate
  • 2 email addresses included
  • Bronze Hosting Package 
advanced business website – £1200 Upfront 

A more advanced and higher quality business website typically for a business that needs more pages (e.g. a popular restaurant)

  • Sophisticated 10 high quality page website
  • Links to your social media pages
  • 1 year paid domain, hosting and SSL certificate.
  • Use of a table booking system.
  • Drone footage (extra charge, see below for more information)
  • Up to 6 email addresses
  • Faster hosting server
  • Bronze SEO package (See Below)
  • Silver Hosting Package
e-commerce website – £1750/£2350

An e-commerce website is a platform on which businesses can build their online store and carry out transactions but accessible anywhere and at any time.

  • Fully functioning online payment system
  • Bronze SEO package (See Below)
We also offer search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a vital part to gain a lots of website traffic. SEO is the process of using certain tools and knowledge to maximise your websites traffic (number of viewers) by ensuring that your business website ranks highly on search engines (i.e. google, bing). If your website ranks highly then your business will appear near when someone searches for a service. 

Example: If anyone wants to find a dog friendly pub near them to eat them and searches “Dog friendly pub near me”. We will ensure your website ranks highly for this particular search, which in turn means you will attract more people to the website and then that increase in website traffic means an increase in customers and therefore earnings for your business.

We offer 3 types of SEO packages for our customers:

Other services

We can off premium drone footage as seen in some of our portfolio websites. This includes a high quality video to display your business and lots of high definition images to use around your website and social media. The cost for one video with multiple pictures is approximately £300. This will certainly help your business stand out from the crowd.